Impressive Color Blending Technique

The first, you open the photo below:

Go to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen to sharpen it.

Then go to Images > Adjustment > Level (or press Ctrl + L) and set options like this:

Duplicate layer and set blend mode to screen, opacity 39%. Go to Images > Adjustments > Color Balance, set options:

S: -62.+20.+47
M: +33.-17.+6
H: -9.+5.+27

Your result:

Create new layer, fill it with #faf2ca and change blend mode to screen, opacity 31%.

Continue to create a new layer, fill it with #bebebe. Blend mode color burn, opacity 31%.

You'll get this:

Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E to create a new layer like the previous result . Set blend mode screen and opacity 38%.

Go to Images > Adjustment > Color Balance, set option:

You've get this:

Create a new layer and fill it with #0d004c, set blend mode to exclusion, opacity 54%.

Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E again to have the layer with result that you've done before. Set its blend mode to soft light, opacity 50%.

Choose burn tool and set options like this:

Make some lighten areas to be darker (like cheek, hand, hair, etc.). I think you should fix her eyes too.

Ok, now duplicate the background image and put it on top, press Ctrl + Shift + U to make it be black & white. Set blend mode to soft light, opacity 47%.

Now you've got this:

The layers window at this time:

Add some brushes and text into your work to make it looks better.


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