The Pyramid

The pyramid,Las Vegas taking with Canon Rebel XSi and Tamron 28-75mm

Exif: ISO 200, 1/250Sec, F/9, focal 28mm

My first boudoir phototography

My first bourdoir taking with Canon Rebel XSi and Canon EF 50mm prime lens, ETTL flash bounce up from the ceiling.

Model: Lucy Le
Makeup: Lucy Le
Photographer: Chinh Minh Le @ Allpixels studio

Bé Bơ

Bé Bơ 3 tháng tuổi chụp bằng Canon Rebel XSi và ống kính 50mm F/1.8 (Nifty fifty)

This is my son Be Bo , he is 3 months old my model for strobist practice. Canon Rebel XSi with nifty fifty and off brand flash ( can't afford Canon EX yet ) shoot thru umbrella with the following power setting:

This one with 1/16 power

This one with 1/8 power

This one with 1/4 power